SesamX pricing and installation instructions

Free version

Full access to the SesamX solver

Full access to Salome 9.9 with the SesamX viewer

Limited to 10000 nodes

No parallel computing

Full version

Full access to the SesamX solver

Full access to Salome 9.9 with the SesamX viewer

Unlimited model size

Full parallel computing capability

Unlimited support

Purchase instructions

Please read the following instructions before proceeding to payment:

  • First, download and install the free version of SesamX.
  • Then, proceed to payment. The license key will be sent to the mail address you provide in the billing from. Make sure this address is valid.
  • To install your license key, you need to edit the "config.ini" file (under the SesamX folder). Copy and paste the license key in place of "Free", just after "LicenseKey = ".
  • If you meet any issue, do not hesitate to contact our support to receive dedicated help.

Content and features

The download archive is composed of SesamX (the finite element solver) and the well known Salome software. The Salome version bundled with SesamX has been customized to enable efficient post-processing capabilities through the SesamX viewer interface.

Do not hesitate to try the free version first. It provides all the features available in the full version but for a limited model size. If you have any question, feel free to contact us.

To get you started with SesamX, you can start reading the user manual. Feel free to consult the SesamX introduction page to get an overview of the available features for the finite element solver. You can find more information related to the Salome customization here.

Installation instructions

SesamX and the Salome version provided in the archive run only on Windows (7/8/10) platform. You should not worry about external dependencies, the archive contains everything that is needed to run SesamX and Salome.

The procedure to install SesamX and Salome is detailed in the installation instruction page